Understanding Metal by Shuyao Hong
Shuyao Hong studied art and practiced craftsmanship at Nanjing University of the Arts. Her works, whether it are utensils or jewelry, can be used to express various exploratory cognition of the world, and are a dialectical exploration of existence, time and space. So as to finally achieve the unity of concepts and craftsmanship.

She is the winner of the New Talent Award 2021 by Klimt02
The New Talent Award by Klimt02 aims to recognize the work of graduate students by supporting their careers in the professional world. In this 7th edition, our school members submitted a total of 20 candidates to take part in the award.

Shuyao Hong's work has a straight and powerful visual effect without any superfluity, which reflects her solid foundation of goldsmithing. Her use of the pure and clean lines, sense of humor and high technical skills empower her critical thinking while creating her artworks. As a result, the metal handicraft industry strong desire to connect the tradition with the contemporary, is where Shuyao shows her mastery.

Kezhen Wang Guiding Teacher at the school states:
Shuyao Hong has a very good talent. She is sensitive and practical.Whether it's utensils or...
Shuyao Hong studied art and practiced craftsmanship at Nanjing University of the Arts. Her works, whether it are utensils or jewelry, can be used to express various exploratory cognition of the world, and are a dialectical exploration of existence, time and space. So as to finally achieve the unity of concepts and craftsmanship.

She is the winner of the New Talent Award 2021 by Klimt02
The New Talent Award by Klimt02 aims to recognize the work of graduate students by supporting their careers in the professional world. In this 7th edition, our school members submitted a total of 20 candidates to take part in the award.

Shuyao Hong's work has a straight and powerful visual effect without any superfluity, which reflects her solid foundation of goldsmithing. Her use of the pure and clean lines, sense of humor and high technical skills empower her critical thinking while creating her artworks. As a result, the metal handicraft industry strong desire to connect the tradition with the contemporary, is where Shuyao shows her mastery.

Kezhen Wang Guiding Teacher at the school states:
Shuyao Hong has a very good talent. She is sensitive and practical.Whether it's utensils or jewelry, for Shuyao Hong, it's used to express her exploratory cognition of the world. All the details are in perfect detail, and ultimately achieve the unity of ideas and works. I hope she can continue her research and creation in a broader field after graduation, and look forward to her new works every time.

Shuyao Hong states:
My thesis analyzes the source and content of the concept. The thesis expounds on the development and changes of contemporary metal handicrafts from the perspectives of philosophical narrative expression, interdisciplinary and perceptual experience, and lists some classic cases of contemporary metal handicrafts artists to show the open and experimental enlightenment of concept expression for contemporary metal handicrafts.


Shuyao Hong va estudiar art i va practicar l'artesania a la Universitat de les Arts de Nanjing. Les seves obres, ja siguin estris o joies, es poden utilitzar per expressar diversos coneixements exploratoris del món, i són una exploració dialèctica de l'existència, el temps i l'espai. Per aconseguir finalment la unitat de conceptes i l'artesania.

És la guanyadora del Premi New Talents 2021 de Klimt02.
El Premi New Talent de Klimt02 té com a objectiu reconèixer la feina dels estudiants de postgrau donant suport a la seva carrera professional en el món professional. En aquesta 7a edició, els nostres col·legis han presentat un total de 20 candidatures per participar en el premi.

El treball de Shuyao Hong té un efecte visual directe i potent sense cap superfluència, que reflecteix la seva sòlida base d'orfebreria. El seu ús de les línies pures i netes, el sentit de l'humor i les altes habilitats tècniques apoderen el seu pensament crític mentre crea les seves obres d'art. Com a resultat, la indústria de l'artesania del metall, el fort desig de connectar la tradició amb la contemporaneïtat, és on Shuyao mostra el seu mestratge.

El professor tutor Kezhen Wang de l'escola afirma:
Shuyao Hong té un molt bon talent. És sensible i pràctica. Ja siguin estris o joies, per a Shuyao Hong, s'utilitza per expressar la seva cognició exploradora del món. Tots els detalls estan en perfecte detall, i finalment aconsegueixen la unitat d'idees i obres. Espero que pugui continuar la seva recerca i creació en un camp més ampli després de graduar-se, i espero amb interès els seus nous treballs cada vegada.

Shuyao Hong afirma:
La meva tesi analitza l'origen i el contingut del concepte. La tesi exposa el desenvolupament i els canvis de l'artesania del metall contemporània des de les perspectives de l'expressió narrativa filosòfica, l'experiència interdisciplinària i perceptiva, i enumera alguns casos clàssics d'artistes d'artesania del metall contemporània per mostrar la il·luminació oberta i experimental de l'expressió conceptual per a l'artesania del metall contemporània.



 A Hammer of Tea  by Shuyao Hong
Shuyao Hong.
Vessel: A Hammer of Tea, 2021.
Silver, brass, blackwood bubinga.
26 x 10 x 12 cm.
Awarded at: New Talent Award 2021 by Klimt02.
Serial number: 1/3.
Price: 3760 €.
 A Hammer of Tea  by Shuyao Hong
Shuyao Hong.
Vessel: A Hammer of Tea, 2021.
Silver, brass, blackwood bubinga.
21 x 8 x 9 cm.
Awarded at: New Talent Award 2021 by Klimt02.
Serial number: 2/3.
Price: 2400 €.
 A Hammer of Tea  by Shuyao Hong
Shuyao Hong.
Vessel: A Hammer of Tea, 2021.
Copper, Brass, Hardwood -American black walnut.
23 x 8 x 11 cm.
Awarded at: New Talent Award 2021 by Klimt02.
Serial number: 3/3.
Price: 1600 €.
 Standing vessel  by Shuyao Hong
Shuyao Hong.
Vessel: Standing vessel, 2018.
Copper folding.
14.7 x 11.2 x 16.5 cm.
Serial number: 1/5.
Price: 1160 €.
 Standing vessel  by Shuyao Hong
Shuyao Hong.
Vessel: Standing vessel, 2018.
Copper foldingm dyeing.
9 x 11.2 x 16 cm.
Serial number: 2/5.
Price: 960 €.
Numbered 2/5.
 The 5th vessel  by Shuyao Hong
Shuyao Hong.
Vessel: The 5th vessel, 2020.
14.8 x 8.6 x 10 cm.
Serial number: 1/1.
Price: 1760 €.
 Reverse  by Shuyao Hong
Shuyao Hong.
Vessel: Reverse, 2021.
32 x 34 x 2 cm.
Serial number: 2/3.
Price: 2000 €.
 Standing vessel  by Shuyao Hong
Shuyao Hong.
Vessel: Standing vessel, 2018.
Silver, folding, dyeing.
8.5 x 8.5 x 11.5 cm.
Serial number: 5/5.
Price: 1000 €.