PARS PRO TOTO: GéSINE HACKENBERG - 20 Sep 2007 - 08 Nov 2007

Pars pro toto: Gésine Hackenberg.

Klimt02 | Gallery presents in Barcelona for the first time the German artist based in Amsterdam Gésine Hackenberg with a solo show in which she will present her latest works.

A small Perejaume engraving hangs in my office.It's an old illustration of a group of stonemasons with a city in the background and the words:To make a sculpture is, these days, to unmake another. Over the years this image has come to mean more and more to me.

Today, pulling things down has become not only a material necessity to make the environment more sustainable, but also an effective way of connecting ourselves to moments in the past; moments that, in themselves, are tiny jewels.What could be better, then, than to bring to the surface these small treasures or, as Gésine Hackenberg calls them in Dutch, these kleinoden?Effectively, her jewels, her kleinoden, come from broken pieces of old crockery and dinner services.Small stories emerge from brooches, rings and necklaces.

At one and the same time, they are unique pieces and intimately connected with the importance of the kitchen in Dutch culture.However, there's something else: her work places itself in the fascinating field of the emotional con...

Klimt02 | Gallery presents in Barcelona for the first time the German artist based in Amsterdam Gésine Hackenberg with a solo show in which she will present her latest works.

A small Perejaume engraving hangs in my office.It's an old illustration of a group of stonemasons with a city in the background and the words:To make a sculpture is, these days, to unmake another. Over the years this image has come to mean more and more to me.

Today, pulling things down has become not only a material necessity to make the environment more sustainable, but also an effective way of connecting ourselves to moments in the past; moments that, in themselves, are tiny jewels.What could be better, then, than to bring to the surface these small treasures or, as Gésine Hackenberg calls them in Dutch, these kleinoden?Effectively, her jewels, her kleinoden, come from broken pieces of old crockery and dinner services.Small stories emerge from brooches, rings and necklaces.

At one and the same time, they are unique pieces and intimately connected with the importance of the kitchen in Dutch culture.However, there's something else: her work places itself in the fascinating field of the emotional connections between ourselves and the objects that surround us, in a gesture of domestic intimacy that far from devaluing them, lends to each object, in these times of permanent relocation, the quality of a talisman against oblivion.

They are pieces that root us to a place that is possibly imaginary but which is nonetheless our own and untransferable, a place that leads us to own these objects for ourselves.

Òscar Guayabero, Curator/Paradesigner 


En mi despacho cuelga un pequeño grabado de Perejaume. Es una ilustración antigua de unos canteros con una ciudad al fondo y un texto: Hacer una escultura es, hoy en día, deshacer otra. A lo largo de los años, esta imagen se ha me ha hecho más y más próxima.

Deconstruir resulta hoy no tanto una simple necesidad material para hacer sostenible el entorno, sino más bien un método eficaz para conectarnos con momentos del pasado que son, en sí mismos, pequeñas joyas. Qué mejor, entonces, que llevar encima estos pequeños tesoros o, como Gésine Hackenberg dice en neerlandés, estos kleinoden. Efectivamente, sus joyas, sus kleinoden, resultan de deshacer piezas de vajillas antiguas o servicios de mesa. El resultado son pequeñas historias dentro de broches, anillos o collares.

Son piezas únicas que, a la vez, tienen mucho que ver con la importancia que tiene la cocina en la cultura holandesa. Pero hay algo más: su trabajo se enmarca en ese campo fascinante de las conexiones emotivas entre nosotros y los objetos que nos rodean, en un gesto de intimidad doméstica que, lejos de rebajar su valor, les otorga una calidad de talismán contra el olvido en este tiempo de deslocalización permanente.

Son piezas que nos arraigan a un lugar quizás imaginario, pero en todo caso propio e intransferible, consiguiendo que las hagamos nuestras. 


Al meu despatx penja un petit gravat d’en Perejaume. És una il·lustració antiga d’uns picapedrers amb una ciutat al fons i un text: Fer una escultura és, hores d’ara, desfer-ne una altra. Al llarg dels anys, aquesta imatge s’ha m’ha fet més i més propera.

Desconstruir esdevé avui no tant sols una necessitat material per a fer sostenible l’entorn, sinó un mètode eficaç per a connectar-nos amb moments del passat que són en si mateixos petites joies. Què millor llavors que portar a sobre aquests petits tresors o, com Gésine Hackenberg diu en neerlandès, aquests kleinoden. Efectivament, les seves joies, els seus kleinoden resulten de desfer peces de vaixelles antigues o serveis de taula. El resultat són petites històries dins de fermalls, anells o collars.

Són peces úniques que alhora tenen molt a veure amb la importància que la cuina té en la cultura holandesa. Però hi ha alguna altra cosa; el seu treball s’emmarca en aquest camp fascinant de les connexions emotives entre nosaltres i els objectes que ens envolten, en un gest d’intimitat domèstica que, lluny de rebaixar-ne el valor, els atorga una qualitat de talismà contra l’oblit en aquest temps de deslocalització permanent.

Són peces que ens arrelen a un lloc potser imaginari però en tot cas propi i intransferible, aconseguint que les fem nostres.


Kitchen necklace (RBket2) by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Necklace: Kitchen necklace (RBket2).
Belgian Earth Ware by Royal Boch Belgium, dark blue polyester threat.
Plate ø 24 cm; 55 pearls with ø 15 mm.
Urushi-flower by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Brooch: Urushi-flower.
Silver, steel, Japanese Urushi-lacquer on textile.
ø 5 x 3 cm.
Hanging brooch by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Brooch: Hanging brooch.
Japanese Urushi-lacquer on textile, 18 ct gold.
7.5 x 3.3 x 1 cm.
Spoon set by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Object: Spoon set.
Broken china.
17.5 x 17.5 x 4.5 cm.
Spoon ring by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Ring: Spoon ring.
White porcelain.
7.5 x 2.5 x 3 cm.
Spoon set by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Object: Spoon set.
Broken glass.
17,5 x 17,5 x 4,5 cm.
Necklace from soup plate by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Necklace: Necklace from soup plate, 2007.
Blue / White service set by Petrus Regout (Sphinx), polyamide thread.
50 pearls (ø 1.5 cm).
2 ring diner plate by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Ring: 2 ring diner plate, 2007.
Blue / White service set by Petrus Regout (Sphinx), silver, 18ct gold.
54 (ring).
Ring serving plate by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Ring: Ring serving plate, 2007.
Blue / White service set by Petrus Regout (Sphinx), silver.
56 (ring).
Ring serving plate II by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Ring: Ring serving plate II, 2007.
Porcelain, Silver, Blue / White service set by Petrus Regout (Sphinx).
53.5 (ring).
Saucier ring by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Ring: Saucier ring, 2007.
Blue / White service set by Petrus Regout (Sphinx), silver.
52 (ring)
Unique piece.
The piece is created from typically dutch service set from the sixties in light blue and crème colour, more or less a collector’s item because the company doesn’t exist any more..
Soup ring MM by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Ring: Soup ring MM, 2007.
Blue / White service set by Petrus Regout (Sphinx), silver.
52 (ring).
Earrings L from soup plate by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Earrings: Earrings L from soup plate, 2007.
Blue / White service set by Petrus Regout (Sphinx), silver, 18ct gold.
ø 0,9 cm.
Earrings SS from diner plate by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Earrings: Earrings SS from diner plate, 2007.
Blue / White service set by Petrus Regout (Sphinx), silver, 18ct gold.
ø 0,9 cm.
Necklace brooch from diner plate by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Brooch: Necklace brooch from diner plate, 2007.
Blue / White service set by Petrus Regout (Sphinx), silver, polyamide thread.
Grip brooch from serving plate by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Brooch: Grip brooch from serving plate, 2007.
Blue / White service set by Petrus Regout (Sphinx), silver, 800 silver.
Soup bowl brooch by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Brooch: Soup bowl brooch, 2007.
Blue / White service set by Petrus Regout (Sphinx), silver, 800 silver
Unique piece.
The piece is created from typically dutch service set from the sixties in light blue and crème colour, more or less a collector’s item because the company doesn’t exist any more..
Kitchen necklace by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Necklace: Kitchen necklace.
23 pearls from table cloth, silver.
40 cm.
Spoon set by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Object: Spoon set.
Spoon set by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Object: Spoon set.
Spoon set by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Object: Spoon set.
17,5 x 17,5 x 4,5 cm (in cardboard box).
Spoon set by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Object: Spoon set.
17,5 x 17,5 x 4,5 cm (in cardboard box).
Kitchen Necklace (PortKet) by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Necklace: Kitchen Necklace (PortKet).
Red Earth Ware from Portugal, light green polyester threat.
ø 24 cm (plate) 55 pearls with ?1,5 cm.
Flower by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Brooch: Flower.
Silver, steel.
ø 4,5 x 1 cm.
Flower by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Brooch: Flower.
Silver, steel.
ø 5 x 1 cm.
Cookie-flower by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Brooch: Cookie-flower.
Silver, steel, Japanese Urushi-lacquer, textile.
ø 6,2 x 3 cm.
Packaging by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Brooch: Packaging.
Silver, steel, Japanese Urushi-lacquer, textile.
4,8 x 5,8 x 1,2 cm.
Packaging by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Brooch: Packaging.
Silver, steal, Japanese Urushi-lacquer, textile.
7,5 x 3,5 x 1 cm.
Pearlbowl #6 by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Necklace: Pearlbowl #6.
Antique Japanese Urushi lacquer bowl with lid, textile.
ø 10,5 x 6,2 cm (bowl).
Serial number: 6.
Big Spoon Image by Gésine Hackenberg.
Gésine Hackenberg.
Object: Big Spoon Image.
Used porcelain plate cut by waterjet.
60 x 25 cm.