NO TITLE BY KIM BUCK - 27 Sep 2023 - 27 Oct 2023

No Title by Kim Buck.

No Title is a series of 6 pendants and 3 rings in copper, silver, and gold alloys.

At Hannah Gallery, we are thrilled to announce our upcoming exhibition No Title, featuring the work of Kim Buck, created exclusively for our gallery.

Kim Buck is known for his ability to express himself through his jewelry, using it as a means to comment on the world around him. With No Title, the artist addresses the growing trend he observes in society, where people seem to be increasingly susceptible to feeling offended.

Buck comments: In recent years, I have noticed that people are easily offended. A new word in the Danish dictionary is krænkelsesparat, which means prepared to be offended or seeking offence. This inspired me to work on a series of pieces in this vein.

No Title is a collection of relatively simple pendants and rings, yet deeply meaningful. Each jewel features a design created with inlays of silver or 24-karat gold on copper alloys. These embedded forms are projections of innocent or nonsensical patterns, intended to be entirely harmless and impossible to offend anyone.

Through this series of artworks, Kim Buck invites us to contemplate how we interact as a soci...

No Title is a series of 6 pendants and 3 rings in copper, silver, and gold alloys.

At Hannah Gallery, we are thrilled to announce our upcoming exhibition No Title, featuring the work of Kim Buck, created exclusively for our gallery.

Kim Buck is known for his ability to express himself through his jewelry, using it as a means to comment on the world around him. With No Title, the artist addresses the growing trend he observes in society, where people seem to be increasingly susceptible to feeling offended.

Buck comments: In recent years, I have noticed that people are easily offended. A new word in the Danish dictionary is krænkelsesparat, which means prepared to be offended or seeking offence. This inspired me to work on a series of pieces in this vein.

No Title is a collection of relatively simple pendants and rings, yet deeply meaningful. Each jewel features a design created with inlays of silver or 24-karat gold on copper alloys. These embedded forms are projections of innocent or nonsensical patterns, intended to be entirely harmless and impossible to offend anyone.

Through this series of artworks, Kim Buck invites us to contemplate how we interact as a society. He encourages us to reflect on how we address (or not) current issues and how this tendency to easily take offence can impact our daily lives. With his artistic skill and his ability to address relevant issues in a subtle and understated manner, the artist offers us a unique, intelligent, and thought-provoking perspective through this exhibition.

- Opening: September 27th from 19 to 21h
- Download here the press release

Una sèrie de penjolls i anells en aliatges de coure, plata i or.
A Hannah Gallery, estem encantats d'anunciar la nostra pròxima exposició No Title que presenta el treball de Kim Buck, fet en exclusiva per a la nostra galeria.
Kim Buck és conegut per l’habilitat d’expressar-se a través de les seves joies, utilitzant-les com a mitjà per comentar el món que l'envolta. Amb No Title, l'artista aborda la creixent tendència que observa en la societat, on les persones semblen ser cada vegada més susceptibles a sentir-se ofeses.
Buck comenta: en els darrers anys, he sentit que la gent s’ofèn cada cop més fàcilment. Una paraula nova al diccionari danès és krænkelsesparat, que significa preparat per ofendre's o buscant ofendre's. Això em va donar la idea e treballar una sèrie de peces en aquest sentit.
No Title és una col·lecció de joies relativament senzills, però amb un missatge profundament significatiu. Cada joia presenta un motiu realitzat amb incrustacions de plata u or de 24 quirats sobre aliatges de coure. Aquestes formes incrustades són projeccions de patrons innocents o sense sentit, amb la intenció de ser absolutament inofensius i impossibles d'ofendre a ningú.
Una sèrie de penjolls i anells en aliatges de coure, plata i or.
A Hannah Gallery, estem encantats d'anunciar la nostra pròxima exposició No Title que presenta el treball de Kim Buck, fet en exclusiva per a la nostra galeria.
Kim Buck és conegut per l’habilitat d’expressar-se a través de les seves joies, utilitzant-les com a mitjà per comentar el món que l'envolta. Amb No Title, l'artista aborda la creixent tendència que observa en la societat, on les persones semblen ser cada vegada més susceptibles a sentir-se ofeses.
Buck comenta: en els darrers anys, he sentit que la gent s’ofèn cada cop més fàcilment. Una paraula nova al diccionari danès és krænkelsesparat, que significa preparat per ofendre's o buscant ofendre's. Això em va donar la idea e treballar una sèrie de peces en aquest sentit.
No Title és una col·lecció de joies relativament senzills, però amb un missatge profundament significatiu. Cada joia presenta un motiu realitzat amb incrustacions de plata u or de 24 quirats sobre aliatges de coure. Aquestes formes incrustades són projeccions de patrons innocents o sense sentit, amb la intenció de ser absolutament inofensius i impossibles d'ofendre a ningú.
Mitjançant aquesta sèrie, Kim Buck ens convida a contemplar com interactuem entre nosaltres com a societat. Ens convida a reflexionar com abordem (o no) temes d'actualitat i com aquesta tendència a ofendre'ns fàcilment pot afectar el nostre dia a dia. Amb la seva habilitat artística i la seva capacitat per tractar qüestions rellevants d’una forma senzilla, subtil i gens estrident, Kim Buck ens ofereix una perspectiva única, intel·ligent i estimulant a través d'aquesta exposició.

- Inauguració: 27 September de 19 a 21h
- Download here the press release


Pendant: 'No Title' paperplane 1 by Kim Buck. Copper, 926 silver, 999 silver, shibuichi. 2023. ø 7 cm. Photo by: Kim Buck. From series: No Title Unique piece. Price: 900 €. Available at Hannah Gallery.
Kim Buck.
Pendant: 'No Title' paperplane 1, 2023.
Copper, 926 silver, 999 silver, shibuichi.
ø 7 cm.
Photo by: Kim Buck.
From series: No Title
Unique piece.
Price: 900 €.
Pendant: 'No Title' paperplane 2 by Kim Buck. Copper, 926 silver, 999 silver, shibuichi. 2023. ø 7 cm. Photo by: Kim Buck. From series: No Title Unique piece. Available at Hannah Gallery.
Kim Buck.
Pendant: 'No Title' paperplane 2, 2023.
Copper, 926 silver, 999 silver, shibuichi.
ø 7 cm.
Photo by: Kim Buck.
From series: No Title
Unique piece.
Pendant: 'No Title' paperplane 3 by Kim Buck. Copper, 926 silver, 999 silver, shibuichi. 2023. ø 7 cm. Photo by: Kim Buck. From series: No Title Unique piece. Price: 900 €. Available at Hannah Gallery.
Kim Buck.
Pendant: 'No Title' paperplane 3, 2023.
Copper, 926 silver, 999 silver, shibuichi.
ø 7 cm.
Photo by: Kim Buck.
From series: No Title
Unique piece.
Price: 900 €.
Pendant: 'No Title' paperplane 4 by Kim Buck. Copper, 926 silver, 999 silver, shibuichi. 2023. ø 7 cm. Photo by: Kim Buck. From series: No Title Unique piece. Price: 900 €. Available at Hannah Gallery.
Kim Buck.
Pendant: 'No Title' paperplane 4, 2023.
Copper, 926 silver, 999 silver, shibuichi.
ø 7 cm.
Photo by: Kim Buck.
From series: No Title
Unique piece.
Price: 900 €.
Pendant: 'No Title' paperplane 5 by Kim Buck. Copper, 926 silver, 999 silver, shibuichi. 2023. ø 7 cm. Photo by: Kim Buck. From series: No Title Unique piece. Price: 900 €. Available at Hannah Gallery.
Kim Buck.
Pendant: 'No Title' paperplane 5, 2023.
Copper, 926 silver, 999 silver, shibuichi.
ø 7 cm.
Photo by: Kim Buck.
From series: No Title
Unique piece.
Price: 900 €.
Pendant: 'No Title' paperplane 6 by Kim Buck. Copper, 926 silver, 999 silver, shibuichi. 2023. ø 7 cm. Photo by: Kim Buck. From series: No Title Unique piece. Price: 900 €. Available at Hannah Gallery.
Kim Buck.
Pendant: 'No Title' paperplane 6, 2023.
Copper, 926 silver, 999 silver, shibuichi.
ø 7 cm.
Photo by: Kim Buck.
From series: No Title
Unique piece.
Price: 900 €.
Ring: 'No Title' paperplane 7 by Kim Buck. Copper, 926 silver, 999 gold. 2023. ø 3.8 cm. From series: No Title Unique piece. Price: 1200 €. Available at Hannah Gallery.
Kim Buck.
Ring: 'No Title' paperplane 7, 2023.
Copper, 926 silver, 999 gold.
ø 3.8 cm.
From series: No Title
Unique piece.
Price: 1200 €.
Ring: 'No Title' paperplane 8 by Kim Buck. Copper, 926 silver, 999 gold, 999 silver. 2023. ø 4.2 cm. Photo by: Kim Buck. From series: No Title Unique piece. Price: 1200 €. Available at Hannah Gallery.
Kim Buck.
Ring: 'No Title' paperplane 8, 2023.
Copper, 926 silver, 999 gold, 999 silver.
ø 4.2 cm.
Photo by: Kim Buck.
From series: No Title
Unique piece.
Price: 1200 €.
Ring: 'No Title' paperplane 9 by Kim Buck. Copper, 926 silver, 999 gold, 999 silver. 2023. ø 4.4 cm. Photo by: Kim Buck. From series: No Title Unique piece. Price: 1300 €. Available at Hannah Gallery.
Kim Buck.
Ring: 'No Title' paperplane 9, 2023.
Copper, 926 silver, 999 gold, 999 silver.
ø 4.4 cm.
Photo by: Kim Buck.
From series: No Title
Unique piece.
Price: 1300 €.