Hannah Gallery presents an exhibition with Yonghak Jo, graduate of Jewellery Class, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle in Germany, winner of the New Talents Award 2024 by Klimt02. Yonghak Jo’s Line of Life jewellery pieces employ the Zoum Ipsa to depict ocean waves that symbolize both the longing for the distant family members and the yearning for peace.
The exhibition presents 7 necklaces and 4 brooches.
Yonghak's works explore jewellery as a medium for preserving personal and collective memories, drawing inspiration from historical narratives and the Counter-monument Movement. A key focus of his practice is the revival of a nearly lost Korean silverwire inlay technique, which he integrates into his pieces to symbolize memory, separation, and reunion. And he continues to explore the intersection of craft, history, memory and identity in his artistic practice.
Yonghak's works explore jewelry as a medium for preserving personal and collective memories, drawing inspiration from historical narratives and the Counter-monument Movement. A key focus of his practice is the revival of a nearly lost Korean silverwire inlay technique, which he integrates into ...
The exhibition presents 7 necklaces and 4 brooches.
Yonghak's works explore jewellery as a medium for preserving personal and collective memories, drawing inspiration from historical narratives and the Counter-monument Movement. A key focus of his practice is the revival of a nearly lost Korean silverwire inlay technique, which he integrates into his pieces to symbolize memory, separation, and reunion. And he continues to explore the intersection of craft, history, memory and identity in his artistic practice.
Yonghak's works explore jewelry as a medium for preserving personal and collective memories, drawing inspiration from historical narratives and the Counter-monument Movement. A key focus of his practice is the revival of a nearly lost Korean silverwire inlay technique, which he integrates into ...
Hannah Gallery presents an exhibition with Yonghak Jo, graduate of Jewellery Class, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle in Germany, winner of the New Talents Award 2024 by Klimt02. Yonghak Jo’s Line of Life jewellery pieces employ the Zoum Ipsa to depict ocean waves that symbolize both the longing for the distant family members and the yearning for peace.
The exhibition presents 7 necklaces and 4 brooches.
Yonghak's works explore jewellery as a medium for preserving personal and collective memories, drawing inspiration from historical narratives and the Counter-monument Movement. A key focus of his practice is the revival of a nearly lost Korean silverwire inlay technique, which he integrates into his pieces to symbolize memory, separation, and reunion. And he continues to explore the intersection of craft, history, memory and identity in his artistic practice.
Yonghak's works explore jewelry as a medium for preserving personal and collective memories, drawing inspiration from historical narratives and the Counter-monument Movement. A key focus of his practice is the revival of a nearly lost Korean silverwire inlay technique, which he integrates into his pieces to symbolize memory, separation, and reunion. And he continues to explore the intersection of craft, history, memory and identity in his artistic practice.
Yonghak states:
Throughout human history, monuments have reminded societies of their shared stories and heritage. The Counter-monument Movement, which emerged in Germany in the late 20th century, emphasizes flexibility and participation in memory culture through open spaces for continuous interpretation.
Jewellery, historically small and portable, serves as personal monuments to memories. In my diploma project, I explored contemporary jewellery as a medium for sharing collective memories. Afterward, I shifted focus to personal narratives, highlighting how diverse memories shape culture.
The motifs of the sea and ships symbolize separation and reunion in my work. The movement of lines represents the sea’s motion, human relationships, and the bond between humans and objects.
My jewellery connects the past and present, restoring lost memories and relationships. I aim for contemporary jewellery to hold both personal and collective memories, passing them to future generations with messages of hope and healing. Amid global conflicts, I believe remembering violence is a way to resist it, and I hope my work contributes to this effort.
Opening: 26th March from 19h to 21h.
Visiting hours: Monday to Friday from 11:00 to 13:00 h & 16:00 to 19:00 h.
- The Zoum-Ipsa Technique at The Line of Life - Jewelry as Monument by Yonghak Jo
Opening images:

The exhibition presents 7 necklaces and 4 brooches.
Yonghak's works explore jewellery as a medium for preserving personal and collective memories, drawing inspiration from historical narratives and the Counter-monument Movement. A key focus of his practice is the revival of a nearly lost Korean silverwire inlay technique, which he integrates into his pieces to symbolize memory, separation, and reunion. And he continues to explore the intersection of craft, history, memory and identity in his artistic practice.
Yonghak's works explore jewelry as a medium for preserving personal and collective memories, drawing inspiration from historical narratives and the Counter-monument Movement. A key focus of his practice is the revival of a nearly lost Korean silverwire inlay technique, which he integrates into his pieces to symbolize memory, separation, and reunion. And he continues to explore the intersection of craft, history, memory and identity in his artistic practice.
Yonghak states:
Throughout human history, monuments have reminded societies of their shared stories and heritage. The Counter-monument Movement, which emerged in Germany in the late 20th century, emphasizes flexibility and participation in memory culture through open spaces for continuous interpretation.
Jewellery, historically small and portable, serves as personal monuments to memories. In my diploma project, I explored contemporary jewellery as a medium for sharing collective memories. Afterward, I shifted focus to personal narratives, highlighting how diverse memories shape culture.
The motifs of the sea and ships symbolize separation and reunion in my work. The movement of lines represents the sea’s motion, human relationships, and the bond between humans and objects.
My jewellery connects the past and present, restoring lost memories and relationships. I aim for contemporary jewellery to hold both personal and collective memories, passing them to future generations with messages of hope and healing. Amid global conflicts, I believe remembering violence is a way to resist it, and I hope my work contributes to this effort.
Opening: 26th March from 19h to 21h.
Visiting hours: Monday to Friday from 11:00 to 13:00 h & 16:00 to 19:00 h.
- The Zoum-Ipsa Technique at The Line of Life - Jewelry as Monument by Yonghak Jo
Opening images:

Hannah Gallery presenta una exposició amb Yonghak Jo, graduat de la Jewellery Class, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle, a Alemanya, i guanyador del New Talents Award 2024 by Klimt02. Les peces de joieria de la sèrie Line of Life de Yonghak Jo utilitzen el Zoum Ipsa per representar les onades de l’oceà, símbol tant de l’enyorança pels familiars llunyans com del desig de pau.
L’exposició presenta 7 collarets i 4 agulles de pit.
El treball de Yonghak explora la joieria com a mitjà per preservar memòries personals i col·lectives, inspirant-se en narracions històriques i el Moviment del Counter-monument. Un dels elements clau de la seva pràctica és la recuperació d’una tècnica gairebé perduda d’incrustació de fil d’argent coreà, que integra en les seves peces com a símbol de memòria, separació i retrobament. En el seu treball artístic, continua investigant la intersecció entre l’artesania, la història, la memòria i la identitat.
Yonghak explica:
Al llarg de la història de la humanitat, els monuments han servit per recordar a les societats les seves històries i patrimoni compartit. El Moviment del Counter-monument, sorgit a Alemanya a finals del segle ...
L’exposició presenta 7 collarets i 4 agulles de pit.
El treball de Yonghak explora la joieria com a mitjà per preservar memòries personals i col·lectives, inspirant-se en narracions històriques i el Moviment del Counter-monument. Un dels elements clau de la seva pràctica és la recuperació d’una tècnica gairebé perduda d’incrustació de fil d’argent coreà, que integra en les seves peces com a símbol de memòria, separació i retrobament. En el seu treball artístic, continua investigant la intersecció entre l’artesania, la història, la memòria i la identitat.
Yonghak explica:
Al llarg de la història de la humanitat, els monuments han servit per recordar a les societats les seves històries i patrimoni compartit. El Moviment del Counter-monument, sorgit a Alemanya a finals del segle ...
Hannah Gallery presenta una exposició amb Yonghak Jo, graduat de la Jewellery Class, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle, a Alemanya, i guanyador del New Talents Award 2024 by Klimt02. Les peces de joieria de la sèrie Line of Life de Yonghak Jo utilitzen el Zoum Ipsa per representar les onades de l’oceà, símbol tant de l’enyorança pels familiars llunyans com del desig de pau.
L’exposició presenta 7 collarets i 4 agulles de pit.
El treball de Yonghak explora la joieria com a mitjà per preservar memòries personals i col·lectives, inspirant-se en narracions històriques i el Moviment del Counter-monument. Un dels elements clau de la seva pràctica és la recuperació d’una tècnica gairebé perduda d’incrustació de fil d’argent coreà, que integra en les seves peces com a símbol de memòria, separació i retrobament. En el seu treball artístic, continua investigant la intersecció entre l’artesania, la història, la memòria i la identitat.
Yonghak explica:
Al llarg de la història de la humanitat, els monuments han servit per recordar a les societats les seves històries i patrimoni compartit. El Moviment del Counter-monument, sorgit a Alemanya a finals del segle XX, posa l’èmfasi en la flexibilitat i la participació en la cultura de la memòria a través d’espais oberts a una interpretació contínua.
La joieria, tradicionalment petita i transportable, actua com a monument personal a les memòries. En el meu projecte de diploma, vaig explorar la joieria contemporània com a mitjà per compartir memòries col·lectives. Posteriorment, vaig centrar-me en narracions personals, ressaltant com les diferents memòries configuren la cultura.
Els motius del mar i els vaixells simbolitzen la separació i el retrobament en el meu treball. El moviment de les línies representa tant el moviment del mar com les relacions humanes i el vincle entre les persones i els objectes.
La meva joieria connecta el passat i el present, restaurant memòries i relacions perdudes. Aspiro que la joieria contemporània pugui contenir tant memòries personals com col·lectives, transmetent-les a les generacions futures amb missatges d’esperança i sanació. Enmig dels conflictes globals, crec que recordar la violència és una forma de resistir-la, i espero que el meu treball contribueixi a aquest esforç.
Inauguració: 26 de març de 19 h a 21 h.
Horari de visita: de dilluns a divendres, d’11:00 a 13:00 h i de 16:00 a 19:00 h.
- La tècnica Zoum-Ipsa a The Line of Life - La joieria com a monument. Yonghak Jo.
L’exposició presenta 7 collarets i 4 agulles de pit.
El treball de Yonghak explora la joieria com a mitjà per preservar memòries personals i col·lectives, inspirant-se en narracions històriques i el Moviment del Counter-monument. Un dels elements clau de la seva pràctica és la recuperació d’una tècnica gairebé perduda d’incrustació de fil d’argent coreà, que integra en les seves peces com a símbol de memòria, separació i retrobament. En el seu treball artístic, continua investigant la intersecció entre l’artesania, la història, la memòria i la identitat.
Yonghak explica:
Al llarg de la història de la humanitat, els monuments han servit per recordar a les societats les seves històries i patrimoni compartit. El Moviment del Counter-monument, sorgit a Alemanya a finals del segle XX, posa l’èmfasi en la flexibilitat i la participació en la cultura de la memòria a través d’espais oberts a una interpretació contínua.
La joieria, tradicionalment petita i transportable, actua com a monument personal a les memòries. En el meu projecte de diploma, vaig explorar la joieria contemporània com a mitjà per compartir memòries col·lectives. Posteriorment, vaig centrar-me en narracions personals, ressaltant com les diferents memòries configuren la cultura.
Els motius del mar i els vaixells simbolitzen la separació i el retrobament en el meu treball. El moviment de les línies representa tant el moviment del mar com les relacions humanes i el vincle entre les persones i els objectes.
La meva joieria connecta el passat i el present, restaurant memòries i relacions perdudes. Aspiro que la joieria contemporània pugui contenir tant memòries personals com col·lectives, transmetent-les a les generacions futures amb missatges d’esperança i sanació. Enmig dels conflictes globals, crec que recordar la violència és una forma de resistir-la, i espero que el meu treball contribueixi a aquest esforç.
Inauguració: 26 de març de 19 h a 21 h.
Horari de visita: de dilluns a divendres, d’11:00 a 13:00 h i de 16:00 a 19:00 h.
- La tècnica Zoum-Ipsa a The Line of Life - La joieria com a monument. Yonghak Jo.
Yonghak Jo.
Necklace: Ship II, 2024.
Steel, silver, cotton, graphite powder, oil. Fine silver wire inlaid on steelplate.
32 x 8 x 4.5 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 900 €.
Necklace: Ship II, 2024.
Steel, silver, cotton, graphite powder, oil. Fine silver wire inlaid on steelplate.
32 x 8 x 4.5 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 900 €.
Yonghak Jo.
Necklace: Reflection II, 2024.
Steel, silver, cotton, graphite powder, oil.
15 x 10 x 1.5 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 1000 €.
Necklace: Reflection II, 2024.
Steel, silver, cotton, graphite powder, oil.
15 x 10 x 1.5 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 1000 €.
Yonghak Jo.
Necklace: Ship I, 2024.
Steel, silver, cotton, graphite powder, oil. Fine silver wire Inlaid on steel plate.
35 x 4 x 3 cm.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 900 €.
Necklace: Ship I, 2024.
Steel, silver, cotton, graphite powder, oil. Fine silver wire Inlaid on steel plate.
35 x 4 x 3 cm.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 900 €.
Yonghak Jo.
Necklace: Reflection I, 2022.
Steel, silver, cotton, graphite powder, oil.
15 x 10 x 1.5 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 1000 €.
Necklace: Reflection I, 2022.
Steel, silver, cotton, graphite powder, oil.
15 x 10 x 1.5 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 1000 €.
Yonghak Jo.
Necklace: Reflection III, 2022.
Steel, copper, wood, nylon.
30 x 7 x 0.6 cm
Unique piece.
Price: 400 €.
Necklace: Reflection III, 2022.
Steel, copper, wood, nylon.
30 x 7 x 0.6 cm
Unique piece.
Price: 400 €.
Yonghak Jo.
Necklace: Border I, 2022.
Steel, Silver, copper, graphite powder. oil, nylon.
9.5 x 0.5 cm.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 900 €.
Necklace: Border I, 2022.
Steel, Silver, copper, graphite powder. oil, nylon.
9.5 x 0.5 cm.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 900 €.
Yonghak Jo.
Necklace: Wave III, 2023.
Steel, silver, wood. Fine silver wire inlaid on steelplate.
40 x 20 x 1 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 2500 €.
Model: Ji-Hyun Lee.
Necklace: Wave III, 2023.
Steel, silver, wood. Fine silver wire inlaid on steelplate.
40 x 20 x 1 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 2500 €.
Model: Ji-Hyun Lee.
Yonghak Jo.
Brooch: Wave II, 2024.
Steel, silver, stainless steel, graphite powder, spray coated. Fine silver wire inlay on steelplate.
7.3 x 8 x 0.7 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 650 €.
Brooch: Wave II, 2024.
Steel, silver, stainless steel, graphite powder, spray coated. Fine silver wire inlay on steelplate.
7.3 x 8 x 0.7 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 650 €.
Yonghak Jo.
Brooch: Wave I, 2024.
Steel, silver, stainless steel, graphite powder, oil. Fine silver wire inlaid on steelplate.
10 x 3.5 x 1 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 500 €.
Brooch: Wave I, 2024.
Steel, silver, stainless steel, graphite powder, oil. Fine silver wire inlaid on steelplate.
10 x 3.5 x 1 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 500 €.
Yonghak Jo.
Brooch: Border III, 2022.
Steel, silver, stainless steel. Fine silver wire inlaid on steelplate.
ø11.2 x 0.4 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 1200 €.
Brooch: Border III, 2022.
Steel, silver, stainless steel. Fine silver wire inlaid on steelplate.
ø11.2 x 0.4 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 1200 €.
Yonghak Jo.
Brooch: Border II, 2022.
Steel, silver, stainless steel, graphite powder.
11.2 x 0.5 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
Part of: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 1200 €.
Brooch: Border II, 2022.
Steel, silver, stainless steel, graphite powder.
11.2 x 0.5 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
Part of: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 1200 €.
Yonghak Jo.
Necklace: Reflection II, 2024.
Steel, silver, cotton, graphite powder, oil.
15 x 10 x 1.5 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 1000 €.
Necklace: Reflection II, 2024.
Steel, silver, cotton, graphite powder, oil.
15 x 10 x 1.5 cm.
Photo by: Yonghak Jo.
From series: The Line of Life
Unique piece.
Price: 1000 €.