Chaos by Lucy Pearl Petts Winner of the Klimt02 New Talents Award 2022 at Hannah Gallery.
​Hannah Gallery presents an exhibition with Lucy Pearl Petts, winner of the New Talents Award 2022 by Klimt02.

Under the influence of the chaotic and overwhelming concerns of our world, Lucy Pearl Petts's work aims to initiate vital conversations of positive reform or provide comfort to the wearer with their inviting iridescent colours, alluring forms and hidden ornamentation.

It starts with bubbling bulbous and swirling forms influenced by a selection of satellite imagery such as volcanic eruptions, shock waves rippling across oceans, and melting ice caps. Shapes printed from biodegradable 3D printed PLA material which meet printed aluminium, itself made from personal analogue collages inspired by global new themes from National Geographic magazines. Distorted digitally, the collages become the swirling chasm that is hidden behind or in Lucy's work. Reliefs and textures meet colours and patterns for composing pieces that bring a sense of joy and hope needed for those Tokens of good luck.

By creating hidden ornamentations that navigate between analogue and digital design processes, Lucy Pearl Petts allows herself to open the dialogue about jewellery and design by conf...
​Hannah Gallery presents an exhibition with Lucy Pearl Petts, winner of the New Talents Award 2022 by Klimt02.

Under the influence of the chaotic and overwhelming concerns of our world, Lucy Pearl Petts's work aims to initiate vital conversations of positive reform or provide comfort to the wearer with their inviting iridescent colours, alluring forms and hidden ornamentation.

It starts with bubbling bulbous and swirling forms influenced by a selection of satellite imagery such as volcanic eruptions, shock waves rippling across oceans, and melting ice caps. Shapes printed from biodegradable 3D printed PLA material which meet printed aluminium, itself made from personal analogue collages inspired by global new themes from National Geographic magazines. Distorted digitally, the collages become the swirling chasm that is hidden behind or in Lucy's work. Reliefs and textures meet colours and patterns for composing pieces that bring a sense of joy and hope needed for those Tokens of good luck.

By creating hidden ornamentations that navigate between analogue and digital design processes, Lucy Pearl Petts allows herself to open the dialogue about jewellery and design by confronting the scales, the weight and new contemporary aesthetics.

Lucy states:
My work is a response to the chaotic and alarming experiences faced by people living through the Anthropocene, such as the climate apocalypse, unjust governments and civil unrest. The collection Chaos attempts to bring a sense of joy and hope despite these hurdles, materialising in the form of amulets and tokens of luck. However, they could also be fittingly perceived as panic buttons for life. The pieces aim to initiate vital conversations of positive reform or provide comfort to the wearer with their inviting iridescent colours, alluring forms and hidden ornamentation. 

The exhibition presents 3 necklaces, 2 brooches, 5 bangles, 2 vessels and 1 object.

Come and discover the artist's Chaotic universe at Hannah Gallery from the 3rd of May until the 26th of May.
Visiting hours: Monday to Friday from 11:00 to 13:00 h & 16:00 to 19:00 h.
Opening: 3rd May from 19h to 21h.

- Read our interview with Lucy Pearl Petts


Hannah Gallery presenta una exposició amb Lucy Pearl Petts, guanyadora del Premi Klimt02 New Talents 2022.

Sota la influència de les preocupacions caòtiques i aclaparadores del nostre món, el treball de Lucy Pearl Petts té com a objectiu proposar imputs vitals de reforma positiva a l'usuari amb els seus atractius colors iridiscents, les seves formes seductores i dioscretes ornamentacions.

Tot comença amb formes bulboses i remolins provinents d'una selecció d'imatges de satèl·lit, erupcions volcàniques, ones de xoc que omplen pels oceans i casquets de gel que es fonen. Formes impreses amb material PLA biodegradable imprès en 3D que s'uneixen a l'alumini imprès, fet a partir de collages analògics personals inspirats en nous temes globals de les revistes de National Geographic. Distorsionats digitalment, els collages es converteixen en l'abisme que s'amaga darrere o a l'obra de Lucy. Els relleus i les textures es troben amb colors i patrons per compondre peces que aporten una sensació d'alegria i esperança necessària per a aquells testimonis de bona sort.
Amb la creació d'ornaments ocults que naveguen entre els processos de disseny analògic i digital, Lucy Pearl Petts es permet obrir el diàleg sobre la joieria i el disseny enfrontant-se a les escales, el pes i la nova estètica contemporània.

Lucy explica:
El meu treball és una resposta a les experiències caòtiques i alarmants a les quals s'enfronten les persones que viuen l'Antropocè, com l'apocalipsi climàtica, els governs injustos i els disturbis civils. La col·lecció Chaos intenta aportar una sensació d'alegria i esperança malgrat aquests obstacles, materialitzant-se en forma d'amulets i mostres de sort. Tanmateix, també es podrien percebre adequadament com a botons de pànic per a tota la vida. Les peces tenen com a objectiu iniciar converses vitals de reforma positiva i proporcionar comoditat a la persona que les porta amb els seus atractius colors iridiscents, formes atractives i ornamentació oculta.

L'exposició presenta 3 collarets, 2 fermalls, 5 polseres, 2 vasos i 1 objecte.
Hannah Gallery del 3 de maig al 26 de maig.
Horari de visites: de dilluns a divendres d'11:00 a 13:00 h i de 16:00 a 19:00 h.
Inauguració: 3 de maig a les 19h.



Tumult by Lucy Pearl Petts.
Lucy Pearl Petts.
Necklace: Tumult, 2023.
Biodegradable PLA, aluminium, silver
Unique piece.
Price: 1360 €.
Frenzy by Lucy Pearl Petts.
Lucy Pearl Petts.
Necklace: Frenzy, 2022.
PLA, aluminium, silver..
21 x 9 x 42 cm.
Photo by: Jess Hay.
Awarded at: New Talents Award 2022 by Klimt02. 8th Edition.
From series: Chaos
Unique piece.
Price: 1590 €.
Clamor by Lucy Pearl Petts.
Lucy Pearl Petts.
Brooch: Clamor, 2022.
Biodegradable PLA, aluminium, silver, steel pin.
17 x 22 x 6 cm.
Photo by: Jess Hay.
Awarded at: New Talents Award 2022 by Klimt02. 8th Edition.
From series: Chaos
Unique piece.
Price: 940 €.
Clutter by Lucy Pearl Petts.
Lucy Pearl Petts.
Necklace: Clutter, 2022.
Biodegradable PLA, aluminium, silver.
10 x 40 x 6 cm.
Photo by: Jess Hay.
Awarded at: New Talents Award 2022 by Klimt02. 8th Edition.
From series: Chaos
Unique piece.
Price: 920 €.
Ruckus Small Yellow by Lucy Pearl Petts.
Lucy Pearl Petts.
Bangle: Ruckus Small Yellow, 2022.
Biodegrable PLA, aluminium.
8.8 x 8.8 x 1.2 cm.
Photo by: Jess Hay.
Part of: Private collection.
From series: Chaos
Unique piece.
Ruckus Small Pink by Lucy Pearl Petts.
Lucy Pearl Petts.
Bangle: Ruckus Small Pink, 2022.
Biodegrable PLA, aluminium.
8.4 x 8.4 x 1.2 cm.
Photo by: Jess Hay.
Part of: Private collection.
From series: Chaos
Unique piece.
Ruckus Grid Blue by Lucy Pearl Petts.
Lucy Pearl Petts.
Bangle: Ruckus Grid Blue, 2022.
Biodegradable PLA, aluminium.
8.5 x 8.5 x 3.5 cm.
Photo by: Jess Hay.
From series: Chaos
Unique piece.
Price: 400 €.
Ruckus Mid Yellow by Lucy Pearl Petts.
Lucy Pearl Petts.
Bangle: Ruckus Mid Yellow, 2023.
Biodegradable PLA, aluminium.
11.5 x 11.5 x 5 cm.
Photo by: Jess Hay.
Part of: Private collection.
From series: Chaos
Unique piece.
Ruckus, Purple/Green by Lucy Pearl Petts.
Lucy Pearl Petts.
Bangle: Ruckus, Purple/Green, 2022.
Biodegradable PLA, aluminium.
11.7 x 11.7 x 6.3 cm.
Photo by: Jess Hay.
Part of: Private collection
Unique piece.
Vase 1 by Lucy Pearl Petts.
Lucy Pearl Petts.
Vessel: Vase 1, 2022.
Biodegradable PLA, aluminium.
12 x 10 x 15 cm.
Photo by: Jess Hay
Unique piece.
Price: 300 €.
Blobject by Lucy Pearl Petts.
Lucy Pearl Petts.
Object: Blobject, 2023.
Biodegradable PLA, aluminium.
11 x 10 x 10 cm.
Photo by: Jess Hay.
Part of: Private collection
Unique piece.
Vase 5 by Lucy Pearl Petts.
Lucy Pearl Petts.
Vessel: Vase 5, 2023.
Biodegradable PLA, aluminium.
11 x 9 x 15 cm.
Photo by: Jess Hay
Unique piece.
Price: 350 €.
Abyss by Lucy Pearl Petts.
Lucy Pearl Petts.
Brooch: Abyss, 2022.
PLA, aluminium, silver..
19 x 8 x 18 cm.
Photo by: Jess Hay.
Awarded at: New Talents Award 2022 by Klimt02. 8th Edition.
From series: Chaos
Unique piece.
Price: 940 €.